Saturday, 7 May 2011


Here are a few images ftom thursdays effort.We ,managed to get the rest of the walls up which we were all very pleased about! It is now time to mainly focus on our individual pieces.I cut down my table to a proper coffee table size and im going to sand it down and maybe distress it a bit more, depends what all you guys think? i have also managed to get a few more props.I have a vase that is more towards the right era than the previous image of a vase that i posted.I managed to find a sugar bowl and 4 glasses that will look great on the dining table! i also found 4 plates with a design on it. here is a picture of it but i dont know if they are the right style? let me know or ill just bring one in tomorrow for you all to decide.i will bring all the pieces in tomorrow for you all too look at :)

Hey, do we have cups n saucers n things yet? If not there's a few Czechsolvakia things on eBay