Living room: w = 10ft l =12ft
Bedroom: WD = 10ft WB=7ft l=12ft
Windows W=2.16ft (27") l=4ft (48")
Doors: W=2.416 (29")
Fire place: W=3.5ft (42") D=12"
arm Chairs: W=3.4ft D=2.9ft (35")
Dining Table: W=3.5ft(42") L=4.5ft (54")
Chairs: W=1.75ft(21") D=1.75ft(21")
Sofa: W=46ft(56") D=2.6ft(32")
Writing Desk: W=5.5ft(44") D=2.416(29")
Bed = L=6.66ft(80inch) W=3.33ft(40")
Any of these can be changed of course but it all fitted together when I drew it and everything is based on real things. hope these are ok I will bring in to Uni.