Hey guys this is my fireplace design, the motif on the tiles will be different, I'm going to look into some symbolism for this. The mantle piece will also be smaller and the whole thing shall be cast iron. If you want to see any other of my designs they're on my blog but I thought I'd put this one up for when we draw the concept art for the rooms. See-ya monday folks!
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Hey guys...
Hey guys after the tutoral with Andy and Simon I thought about what we could do with the rooms, I know I missed the meeting and therefore I don't know what you have disscussed and what you have settled on but these are a few things I though t about doing. I think that we should think about extending the living room to the new 16ft limit in length and extend the 10ft width of the room to 14ft this will give us more space to work with and will also extend the door end of Gregor's bedroom to 14ft which will give a bit more room for movement of furniture etc. I also think we should scrap the beetle theme in the furniture and just leave hints or signs in the bedroom to indicate that there is some huge, horrible creature living their without giving away what it is exactly, we could do this by leaving scratch marks in the furniture and markings on the floor and walls to indicate that something nasty is in there, creating fear in the atmosphere with out actually seeing the hideous creature. I think that the Art Nouveau style works as this began way back in the 1890's a few years before early 1900's which is when this story is set but I think we should maybe mix it with Victorian style or something before Art Nouveau to mix up the furniture a bit. The fireplace, windows and doors should be somewhat older than the furniture as they would have most probably been there before the family moved in as these are features they would not have been able to afford to replace. What do you guys think and could someone please post up what you disscussed in the meeting I would like to be able to catch up with those details. Thankyou :D
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Tutorial Thurs 2.30
On Thursday 31st we have a group tutorial at 2.30 after presentations with Simon and Andy. We really need the whole group there so everyone knows what's going on. The announcent's on myuca :)
I didn't know if we wanted another meeting on Thursday after the presentations are over, it could be a good opportunity to get the whole group together to see what people have done and to get the people who weren't there Thursday up to date with anything missed. It may also be a good time to flag up any issues people have found or anything they've been thinking about since tuesday. Let me know if you think its a good idea. otherwise the next time we meet wont be until the following week.
Titanic trip Friday if your still interested.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
This is the finished mini set with everything in, I think that the John and Stuart did an amazing job of making and organizing the making of the actual room, its really good, and we can now light it and see how it will work yay. By the way if you have any thoughts at all about your work pleases put them up here and it can be another place to comment on peoples ideas, its great to see peoples designs, if you weren't in today can you also put up final designs so we can see what your up to, thanks. :D
These are the small furniture pieces that we created today. The coffee table is what i made and laura made the arm chairs.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Living room: w = 10ft l =12ft
Bedroom: WD = 10ft WB=7ft l=12ft
Windows W=2.16ft (27") l=4ft (48")
Doors: W=2.416 (29")
Fire place: W=3.5ft (42") D=12"
arm Chairs: W=3.4ft D=2.9ft (35")
Dining Table: W=3.5ft(42") L=4.5ft (54")
Chairs: W=1.75ft(21") D=1.75ft(21")
Sofa: W=46ft(56") D=2.6ft(32")
Writing Desk: W=5.5ft(44") D=2.416(29")
Bed = L=6.66ft(80inch) W=3.33ft(40")
Any of these can be changed of course but it all fitted together when I drew it and everything is based on real things. hope these are ok I will bring in to Uni.
rooms on cad
I drew this up on CAD to follow the board drawing from earlier as much as i can i'll print it in the morning so we have something to use tomorrow. comment if ive missed something and ill change it.
Hey guys this was posted on MY UCA, 'Can you all please ensure that you have your PPE with you tomorrow. The studio will be a workshop from now on and if you do not have the relevent PPE you will be asked to leave. Group 1 will be with Henry tomorrow at 10am and Group 2 will be with him at 2pm. Bring with you all drawings etc for Henry to see. Pass on the word please.' Please could you all try and turn up tomorrow it would be great to see the whole group especially to those who have either not turned up to any meetings at all or not turned up to many of our meetings, we are a group which means you should turn up and contribute, you probs think I sound like a b**** right now but when people don't turn up it does rather p*** me off and probs others in the group too. PLEASE group one it would be great if everyone would show up tomorrow!!!
new layout
So this is a very basic very simple depiction of how the room will look, this has been drawn by Laura Treeby and i think it makes more sense then the last drawing because we have put into consideration other flats int the building, the fact that you need a central hallway that Greater talks to Gregor from, how the fire place works within the building and where the street is, what you cant see here is the living room windows face out on to the main street, also we used some creative licencing and made it so Gregor's room looks out on to a courtyard shared by the block instead of the street, if you think about it though you cant see out of it any way so it doesn't really matter and he can still see people walking by. We added in some doors that don't work but are needed for everything to make sense and we moved the fire place. I think this all fits really well but let me know what you think as we have to show our plan to the tutor tomorrow. this is only basic I will draw it out again properly.
meeting 28/3/11
Today we didn't discus much in the meeting but we tried to mark out on the floor what the room would look like and where the walls will be altered, where doors are and where windows will placed, then how big any of these will be. during this discussion a few things were flagged up by some of the group members and basically we hadn't thought how the flat would work within a block of flats and doors and windows were placed in such a way that it just wouldn't work as a real world situation so we discussed this and have come up with a new floor plan, it keeps everything we had already decided, not much has changed its just a few windows and doors have changed around I'll put up the ruff sketch we did then do a better one on the computer and put this up (i'm sorry John that you had already done a floor plan) please have a look and if it doesn't make sense let me know or if your not happy then we can flag it up. The things we looked at for the room changes were :
- Where in the block of flats was it?
- What type of block of flats was it?
- where is the corridor that runs beside it in the book?
- Bogey doors, where to place them?
- how will the layout work?
we also revisited the London Trip idea to go see the titanic exhibition, the other group has also been invited to go and I have all the information if any one is interested in going. Please let me know and I will send you all the information or you can link to the event on face book.
set building lesson tomorrow 10am
Attended the meeting:
Laura Treeby
Adam Boxall
Hannah Dersley
Emma Cross
Stuart Lennon
Sarah Longbottom
Eleanor Lewry
Emily White
Jo Ray
Jessica FitzGerald
Gregors Window
Here is a couple of sketches of what i think Gregors Window should look like, I found this art nouveau pattern in one of my books, and it looks decidedly buglike so I thought it would be cool. I dont know whether this is gonna be too complex though? And also, im having a few issues with autocad, if we are making it up to scale then what kind of measurements should I use? Just make them up lol? ahh.
Also I think I'm meant to be doing the curtains too? I havent reserched the fabrics and stuff just yet, but ive thought about some tie backs...
A couple of more Art Nouveau/bug-like designs for some curtain tie backs. i like the biggest one in the middle, it reminds me of like a larva and it looks a bit shelly and evolution-y.
So sorry I forgot to put up that we are meeting in the bar down stares today at 1 I just put the time, so if you weren't at the last meeting that is where we shall be. see you at 1
Sunday, 27 March 2011

hey we are making a film set so we need to think about where the cameras would be. What are we going to do? Heres a picture i found to demonstrate what i mean. I know we have two rooms which will be joined but we need to think about access to them both with big cameras and equipment. I know that it wont actually be used for filming but it is meant to be for filming therefore we have to keep the detail level high etc so i think its worth addressing
Im in nottingham still and wont be back until tomorrow, because i couldn't attend last weeks meeting ive just been dong sketch book designs and journal work but im not sure specifically what you need me to do to contribute. As im stuck in notts would someone take notes of the meeting, and il arrange to catch up. is their anything research or design wise i would be helping out with.
Saturday, 26 March 2011
Art Nouveau Fireplaces
Hey guys I hope this is ok, but I figured as the living room seems to be mainly based around art nouveau it would be easiest for me to look at reclaimed art nouveau fire places. The plus with this is that they are cast iron so still look quite gothic but also have tiles that we can distress. Here is an image of what I have in mind:
This is a reclaimed art nouveau fireplace which I will use as inspiration for my final design. What dya think?
Heres another example:
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Just thought id post this if anyone is interested. this is how you can get autocad on you own computers. link to the one you want is here
but if link doesnt open you can get to it by going to students.autodesk.com, clicking get software at the top and selecting auto cad. 32 or 64 depending on computer (I got 32-bit and works just fine). youll need to register using student email and try to leave a few hours to install and activate as it needs to be done on the same day its downloaded or you have to wait three weeks.
2011 edition works the same as the one at uca but is all different colours as a default.
but if link doesnt open you can get to it by going to students.autodesk.com, clicking get software at the top and selecting auto cad. 32 or 64 depending on computer (I got 32-bit and works just fine). youll need to register using student email and try to leave a few hours to install and activate as it needs to be done on the same day its downloaded or you have to wait three weeks.
2011 edition works the same as the one at uca but is all different colours as a default.
Meeting 24/3/11
Hi Guys
At todays meeting we:
- Had a look at the designs that had been brought along
- Decided that we would use subtle bug designs in our work, e.g Bug wings carved into a chair.
- In the living room we are going to use a washed out color skeam, with pinks and such colors that have been washed out over the years.
- In Gregor's room we would use dark earthy colors like greens and browns
- In the living room most the lighting will come from the wall lights with a little coming in through the window which glass will be slightly frosted and dirty on the outside.
- Gregor's room, the light will only come in through the window (at the moment) but the window is going to be very dirty, the lighting in this room may be something we need to play with more once the flats are up.
- the selling in Gregor's room will be slanted most probably towards the back of the room but we can think about this further for the next meeting.
- There will be a chimney breast shoot on one of the walls in Gregor's room and we need one behind the fire place in the living room.
- There is the idea of raising the floor so we can have things pocking out or broken beneath the floor boards or we could look at building a platform for the set.
- John had the great idea of doing three layers for the walls in Gregor's room, 1 under coat that is all grimy and horrible with roots and lumps, 2 wall paper, 3 mold and grime. (sorry if this is not explained very well)
The other thing we talked about was going on a trip to London to visit the Titanic exhibition in the O2 arena. I think this would be a fabulous idea and we plan to go next Friday which would be the 1st of May after the presentations. The tickets are £13 but Hannah sent me to a website where the tickets are on a 2for1 offer http://www.daysoutguide.co.uk/titanic-the-artefact-exhibition , so that would only be £6.50 each there may be booking charges but its better than £13 I tried to get through to the ticket agents but I kept being cut off so I will try again but I think this is our best option, also Hannah talked to the people at Chatham station and they said with 12 people as a group you get 50% off. So see what you think and let me know by Monday who wants to go to the trip on Friday and we can start sorting it out.
The next meeting will be on MONDAY at 1PM , we need final designs
Meeting Attendance
Emily White
Laura Treeby
Sarah Longbottom
Adam Boxall
Stuart Lennon
Ben Kemsley
Eleanor Lewry
John Arch
Karen Black
Emma Cross
Hannah Dersley
Jessica FitzGerald
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Table design 1
These are my early sketches of the table. i think its should be distressed and lightly dusty with marks where plates and cups etc. may have been. and also slighly crooked to show its age.

mrs samsas chair
The first one is of a Victorian nursing chair. I got the idea once reading the text that perhaps the chair belonged to her mother and was passed down in the family. The mother then used it to nurse her two children. The upholstery is embroidered and could have been sewn by the mother herself. To have an embroidered cushion in both chairs would be a nice touch.
“How long you have been sewing again today!” - Mr Samsa
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Design Number 1 (Writing Desk)
This is my first design for a writing desk there will be more on the way but gotta draw them first. Hope you like it.
I drew up the designs for the coffee table and the 2 photo frames. One frame is gilded so will be alot more fancy, where as the other is just a normal picture frame but will be quite old, worn and distressed as though it has been there for quite a long time. I look forward to achieving the desired effect.
Gilded frame for image of the lady in a fur hat
Art nouveau Coffee tables
I have started to look in to different 19th century style coffee tables and seeing that everyone else has gone with the art noveau style im quite glad as that is what i have been thinking off. I found this coffee table on a website, i really like the detail on the legs and i think its looks very art noveau with the glass tops.

Dining Table
Hey guys. I quite like the art nouveau idea. it fits and we can distress anything that looks too new if we source any of this furnature.
I'm working on the dining room table. so i have started doing some research into dining tables that use art nouveau and I found a really nice one that with a bit of distressing could easily fit the scene.

I also found a page that has a number of decent tables that could work based on Art Nouveau dining tables which i intend to look into further for designing:
I'm working on the dining room table. so i have started doing some research into dining tables that use art nouveau and I found a really nice one that with a bit of distressing could easily fit the scene.

I also found a page that has a number of decent tables that could work based on Art Nouveau dining tables which i intend to look into further for designing:
Sofa Design One
Hey Guys,
I'm pretty motivated by the decision to build a sofa, so I sketched out a quick design of one I found on the Internet.
Let me know what you think, I'm about to design another one as I type this. The furniture look's to be very Art Nuveau, which has lot's of character.
The scale of the Sofa will be about 5ft wide, a simple two seater sofa and about 4ft high from the highest point. I don't have a tape measure to hand so the scale may be some what surreal, I will get my tape measure tomorrow and decide on the specific size of the sofa.
I'm pretty motivated by the decision to build a sofa, so I sketched out a quick design of one I found on the Internet.
Let me know what you think, I'm about to design another one as I type this. The furniture look's to be very Art Nuveau, which has lot's of character.
The scale of the Sofa will be about 5ft wide, a simple two seater sofa and about 4ft high from the highest point. I don't have a tape measure to hand so the scale may be some what surreal, I will get my tape measure tomorrow and decide on the specific size of the sofa.
I'm contemplating whether or not to make the sofa look distressed, because Gregor has trouble moving around in his room, and when he hide's under the Sofa he may rip it and it may become worn over time.
art nouveaux armchairs

am thinking of desgining two slightly different ones, one for the father- which he slept in and the mother- which she sewed in- perhaps even embroidered a cushion for? any thoughts?
thought of something like this for the father- comfortable yet, stiff wooden frame.
http://www.antiquesatlas.com/- this is a great site for period furniture photographs to reference from
Art Styles (early 1900's)
Hey guys,
I've just been researching styles from the early 1900's and looks like 'Art Nouveau' and 'Expressionism' are the most popular world wide styles used around that time so if we stick with these styles when we are designing, our designs should work well when we bring everything together.
Art Noueau 1890 - 1914
Expressionism 1905 - 1930
I've just been researching styles from the early 1900's and looks like 'Art Nouveau' and 'Expressionism' are the most popular world wide styles used around that time so if we stick with these styles when we are designing, our designs should work well when we bring everything together.
Art Noueau 1890 - 1914
Expressionism 1905 - 1930
Meeting 22/3/11 IMPORTANT
Hi guys, so today we had a meeting about giving out of the items for designing, everyone has at least one thing to design. We only have 1 and a half days to get them done (sorry this is so short but we start build next week so we don't really have much space to do this in)
The list goes like this:
Arm Chairs (there are two but they'll probably be identical) = Laura
Dinner Table = Eleanor
Fireplace = Emily
Windows (just this room) = Karen
Walls = Katerina
Chairs for dinning table = Hannah
Coffe Table = Sarah W
Gass Lights (wall Brackets) = Jesca W
Picture frames = Sarah W
Walls (wallpaper) = John
Carpet (both rooms) = Ben
Sofa = Adam
Bed = Emma
Writing Desk = Sarah L
Chair under window = Jess F
Window (and the curtains) = Jo
Doors = Stuart
So this is the list, if there is anyone who you think may not go on to the blog and therefore not see it please let them know what they need to do for thursday. If there is anything you are not happy with or you feel we have left out leave a comment, if your not happy with what you have been given Im sorry but we did the best we could.
THURSDAY, 12, DOWNSTAIRS IN THE BAR!!!!! bring designs and any relevant research.
See you thursday.
At the meeting:
Karen Black
Adam Boxall
Emily White
Sarah Logbottom
Katerina Kirozi
Hannah Dersley
Emma Cross
Eleanor Lewry
Jo Ray
Sarah Wackett
Jessica FitzGerald
apartment plans
found this quite interesting in terms of how the rooms are joined

The picture is by a victorian european illustrator for childrens books. I think the colours incorporate both the warm and cool (see previous post)and i could see this hanging in the living room. It is a nice nod to the parents perhaps a love of art and collectors items and also a kind of irony with the beetle in the picture.
I think it could really add to the room
im liking the ideas and the shape of the room. Can you post the next meeting in plenty of time because i missed the last one because when i looked at the blog it wasnt there. Is there a meeting tomorrow? Ill look out for it and have Jess's number so she can let me know.
I think sarahs right about colours and textures
I also think maybe the bedroom should be quite bare- as in later on in his transformation. I say this because we will have a limited budget and the idea of having quite a cluttered look in the living room will not be cheap! I have done some mood boards for colour ideas and really like the idea of green in the bedroom and a complimentary colour in the living room eg reds pinks, cream oranges etc. as this is a nice METAPHOR for the relationship between parents and son.- what does everyone think?
Hopefully see everyone tomorrow or thursday for a meeting.
cheers then Lx
Monday, 21 March 2011
Living room
Living room
Meeting 21/03/11
So we had a meeting today and made some decisions on the rooms:
The Country = Czech Republic (or as it was Czechoslovakia) and the city is Prague
In the living room we are having:
Arm Chairs
Dinner Table (with chairs)
Fire Place
The windows Karen designed
Carpet, but around the fire place tilling
Picture of Gregor in the Army
In Gregor's room we are having:
Flowered wallpaper (maybe we could design some ourselves)
Carpet (ripped in sections to show old wooden floor boards)
Dust/Hair Balls
Junk Piles
writing desk
Portrait (of the Lady)
Plain Chair (by the window)
Tattered curtains
The dimensions for the living room are 10ft wide 12ft long
for the bedroom 10ft at the doors side, 7ft at the bed end and 12ft long
We also made sketches of how the room is laid out which I will put up in a minute.
Tomorrow (22/3/11) after the tutorial in the morning we are having a meeting to decide
who is designing what on auto cad, So please come in for it because it would be great
to see who is confident with what.
See you guys tomorrow.
Meeting attended by
John Arch
Karen Black
Sarah Longbottom
Eleanor Lewry
Hannah Dersley
Jo Ray
Sarah Wackett
Jessica FitzGerald
can everyone make sure to put a title on your posts please, its hard to tell them apart from each other without them. thank you :)
Hey guys tried uploading my designs yesterday and today but i'm having technical problems here at home. So I'll just outline my ideas for the living room.
A fireplace and chimney breast
Warm terracotta walls but starting to age
A grimy widow
Door to Gregors room is surrounded by rot, so room darkens around the door
A couch (chaise-lounge type thing)
Two armchairs (all centred around fireplace)
Wide skirting board
Another door, maybe two
I have some photos on my other computer that I'll try uploading here later :)
A fireplace and chimney breast
Warm terracotta walls but starting to age
A grimy widow
Door to Gregors room is surrounded by rot, so room darkens around the door
A couch (chaise-lounge type thing)
Two armchairs (all centred around fireplace)
Wide skirting board
Another door, maybe two
I have some photos on my other computer that I'll try uploading here later :)
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Hi guys, just wanted to check that we are still having a meeting tomorrow morning at 10? Also I was reading posts and thinking about our meetings before, and I was wondering at what point in the story is our room set, this may sound very odd but how the rooms look will be considerably different depending on when they are, the end will be different from the beginning. What do you think?
Saturday, 19 March 2011
finished reading the text and a thought that came to mind is to leave the bedroom pretty bare with just filth and dust etc and maybe the couch which doesn't seem to be removed. This leaves a bigger budget for the living room which will need quite a lot of furniture an detail in order for it to look realistic.
Wall Idea's
I did a random Google search today on 'Metamorphosis Franz Kafka' and found 3 relevant pictures which could be of some help to are set build project.
Two are off walls with bug's crawling around one of Gregor turned into a Bug.
Let me know what you think guys! Adam.
Two are off walls with bug's crawling around one of Gregor turned into a Bug.
Let me know what you think guys! Adam.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
I was thinking...
I was thinking about the layout and furniture in the bedroom. I think we should just leave the three pieces of furniture in the room, one being the writing desk; I know in the story it is removed from his room but Gregor is attached and obsessed with his writing desk and we don't want to completely empty the room, the other two items would be the couch and the bed; there is no indication in the story about the bed being moved and this will also tell people it is a bedroom and the couch is used for Gregor to hide under.
What do you guys think???
What do you guys think???
Idea based on todays discussions
I designed another ideas for the conjoining of the 2 rooms and sketched down a few ideas.
The living room will look like a normal everyday room. The door to gregors room will be in the middle, and when you walk in to it the perspective of the room will make it look extremely small and claustrophobic, giving it a weird eerie feel, with the presence of gregor the beetle living in it. The room will be one behind the other so you wont see gregors room until you walk through the door in the living room. i think this will give a better effect and will relate to the idea of expressionism.
The living room will look like a normal everyday room. The door to gregors room will be in the middle, and when you walk in to it the perspective of the room will make it look extremely small and claustrophobic, giving it a weird eerie feel, with the presence of gregor the beetle living in it. The room will be one behind the other so you wont see gregors room until you walk through the door in the living room. i think this will give a better effect and will relate to the idea of expressionism.
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